Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Haven't You Always Wanted A Monkey?

Here's your big chance! Win your own BOWLFULL OF HAPPINESS! A couple of weeks ago I was having lunch with friends, Lisa Wheeler and Hope Vestergaard. Hope suggested that my picture book HOW TO POTTY TRAIN YOUR MONSTER would probably generate more big, hairy sales in Target if it were strategically placed in the diaper aisle.

A little cross-marketing. Of course!

So, that got me thinkin' - in this tough economy, authors & illustrators need all the help they can get. Why not try a little cross-marketing?

Number of calories in a sprinkle donut? 300. Number of calories in ARNIE THE DOUGHNUT ?ZERO.

I'll have the #17, The Ultimate Porker, a #3, The Totally Tuna - and what the heck, throw in jumbo kosher dill pickle and a copy of FRANKENSTEIN MAKES A SANDWICH while you're at it.

Cross-marketing campaigns wouldn't just benefit the book industry. Think of how many more life jackets stores would sell if a copy of BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA were tucked neatly into the straps.

So, here's the deal. Send me your own cross-marketing book campaign pictures:


I will post them periodically throughout the month of September. One lucky winner will win their very own frolicsome colony of Sea Monkeys! Haven't you always wanted a monkey? "So eager to please, they can even be trained!"

Hmmm...I wonder if they can be trained to write a novel...???


  1. Taking care of a bunch of sea-monkeys could get expensive. Would I have to buy them teeny masks and snorkels? And since you are the expert, how do you potty train a sea-monkey?

  2. What a fun contest! I may have to engage in a little shameless self-promotion...er...I mean enter!
    BTW, sea-monkeys are easily potty trained once you get them to stop flinging poo.

  3. I've always wanted a Sea Monkey - "I will name him George and I will hug him and squeeze him and pat him and pet him..."

    Deb P

  4. Ah, yes...I had such big plans for my Sea Monkeys when I was a kid. Until their bowlfull of happiness got knocked down the basement stairs...
    true story. I have an even more tragic Sea Monkey story that I will share at a later time.

  5. Oh, man! That Sea Monkeys ad brought be back....
    I tried so hard to convince my parents to get some.
    Your blog is fun, I'll have to come back and check out the cross-marketing effort!

  6. OK... That's it!!! Did somebody say doughnut?

    Seriously, such a cute idea for a post Kelly! I'll have to get going searching my noggin for some ideas! How fun!
